Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What are the slow-motion and bloodless "coup d'etat?"
Consider and ponder upon the recent events in our country?

On Pres Aquino's orders;
1. The daughter of our respected former pres (Pres Macapagal).
Former Vice President, the 14th President of our country and a sitting member of the House of Representatives is arrested on the sole, very dubious claim of a warlord's underling implicated in the Maguindanao's massacre of 57 people;
2. The Justice Sec. arrogantly flouts a SC order and verbally abuses the highest court of the land;
3. On Pres order, the  House of Representatives, without any hearings and debates, in 3 hours time impeaches the Chief Justice;
4. Lastly, hopefully, the last, the President declares that he does not like how the Court interpreted the Constitution in several of its decisions, including that on his clan's Hacienda Luisita.

Therefore CJ Corona must be replaced with someone who can interpret our.

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