Friday, March 16, 2012

The house of political prostitutes -"never before has taxpayer money been brazenly used for political warfare against a sitting President's perceived enemies. Never before has it been used to push Congress to attack a coequal branch of government that is the bedrock of the rule of law. Never before has it been used to rouse a lynch mob, and to provide a venue where, as a senior Liberal Party senator put it, "he would strip naked and humiliate the Chief Justice in public, and with his family too."

The President was making a pronouncement on the weight of the evidence of the prosecution, although he is not accredited as a participant. He is an outsider offering gratuitous advice of little probative value in the trial. If he were not President, the court  could have hustled him out as a nuisance. He is not a prosecutor. He is not a judge at the trial. And yet, he is pronouncing judgement, usurping the function of the Senate court. He is telling senator-judges how they would vote in the way he wants it to happen. If he were an ordinary citizen, the judge would have declared him in contempt of court.

EMIL JURADO: Septuagenarian Demetrio Vicente's photos were on the front page of a tabloid-like national broadsheet the other day. Vicente, who had suffered several strokes that hampered his speech, was shown in unflattering shots - grimacing in pain at times with his tongue at unnatural angles. The publication of these photos was unkind and malicious. How un-Christian and un-Filipino!
My first reaction to it was to stand up and explain: "Santa Banana, have media gone this far?"
MANILA STANDARD: Palace control of pork a bad idea, says opposition House Minority Leader and Quezon Rep. Danilo Suarez also condemned the Palace policy. He said he had been trying to set a meeting with Palace officials to inquire into the status of the releases of pork barrel for his colleagues in the minority, but they were yet to get any replies from the Palace.