Still hot on the trail of the pork-lovers, the zealots found out about computers that never reached those who were supposed to do the computing! And I broke out into an uncontrollable guffaw when the top-level official -who, by all accepted rules (were we following rule!) should have been held to answer for the missing computers-blamed it on the administration of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Caramba! (I reserve that Spanish expletive for particularly obscene situations) Three years into the Aquino administrations, and three bombastic Sonas later and we are still blaming GMA?
Still hot on the trail of the pork-lovers, the zealots found out about computers that never reached those who were supposed to do the computing! And I broke out into an uncontrollable guffaw when the top-level official -who, by all accepted rules (were we following rule!) should have been held to answer for the missing computers-blamed it on the administration of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Caramba! (I reserve that Spanish expletive for particularly obscene situations) Three years into the Aquino administrations, and three bombastic Sonas later and we are still blaming GMA?