Wednesday, December 7, 2011

With PNoy reminding the magistrates their oath of office, he should read his first:

I,___________ hereby elected/appointed to the position of _______,
hereby solemnly swear that I will well and faithfully discharge to the best of my
ability, the duties of my present position and of all others and may hereafter
all, under the Republic of the Philippines, that I will SUPPORT and DEFEND the
CONSTITUTION of the Philippines, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to
the same, that I will OBEY LAWS, LEGAL ORDERS  and DECREES, promulgated
by the DULY constituted AUTHORITIES of the Republic of the Philippine, and
that I IMPOSE this obligation upon MYSELF, voluntarily, WITHOUT MENTAL
RESERVATION or purpose of EVASION. So Help me God.

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